Friday, 13 June 2014

Three year anniversary

Three years on from the original post that started this blog the moon is still waxing and waning along with my cycle. It has continued to be gloriously unpredictable; a nasty flood Christmas week was followed by long pauses and stop-start periods that couldn't decide if they were coming or going. The only other symptom appears to be a long term drop in my energy levels; I come home from work exhausted after what should really be just ordinary days. I begin to wonder how long this will go on and if there might be a 'normal' to get back to.

I had the interesting experience of discovering that a friend on Facebook who I went to school with (I mean 'is the same age as me') had her first baby at the beginning of May. Looking at the photo of her holding her tiny premature son was quite moving, it must be incredible to feel that you missed your chance, and then to have such a miracle. Having been broody for so many years I now cannot imagine having a newborn baby. I definitely feel glad not to be back at the beginning of the process of raising a family.

Instead I was being wild and reckless in Costa Rica.
 I think I could enjoy growing old disgracefully.